飛鴻踏雪泥  歷史留人間

(張肇鴻報導)傳統僑社在舉辦活動時所欠缺的,通常不是活動內容,而是我們做過活動後留下了什么。尤其是在僑聯早期,因缺少中文媒體報導,又沒有做好系統的記錄工作,加上年份漸遠,資料流失,令到日後要尋回這些歷史的難度增加。本埠資深僑領余文勁先生在《雜碎樓》文章中曾經提過:〝「雪泥鴻爪」這句成語源自蘇軾詩:「人生到處知何似﹖應似飛鴻踏雪泥,泥上偶然留指爪,鴻飛那多計東西。」此意一解係人生聚散無常,另一解是凡事經過所謂之跡象也。數十年前,在本埠華人社會德高望重的僑領,如早已身故的鄧博隆、余康中、鄧楷隆、黃一峰、關崇瓊、鄧都隆和余子春等等 (多不勝舉),這班係當年僑社的一代名人,去世後留下的名字和事迹,除了親友和他們自己的家人復記得外,試問還有誰人認識他們呢﹖這就是飛鴻未在雪泥留指爪 (跡象)。〞此文說明了保留歷史資料的重要性。近年來,情況有所改變,經過有心人士多年的尋訪搜集,并得到僑社各界人士的支持和協助,使到僑聯四十余年的歷史有了一個比較有系統的整理,如僑聯歷年來所做過的各項公益善事、國慶紀念冊的集中、四十年來二十八屆華裔小姐大部分相片和內容的歸檔等等,都能夠在今年國慶紀念冊中重新刊登出來,其中有部分內容還是首次面世。 國慶紀念冊作為僑聯的年度刊物,今後除報導有關國慶選美活動內容外,還應增加當年僑社重大活動內容的記載,從而成為一本能夠記載和傳承亞省和鳳凰城華人華僑奮斗歷史,并較有豐富內容的刊物。

            五月十一日,僑聯國慶籌備小組召開會議,老中青共聚一堂,大家發言熱烈,集思廣益,初步确定今年國慶紀念冊的內容、篇幅、冊數等事宜。大家一致推選歷屆編輯國慶紀念冊的王淑英繼續擔任編導工作,而內容總編輯由張肇鴻負責。王淑英在現場贊助了國慶活動經費,獲得大家熱烈的掌聲。會議還跟進了由呂美蘭負責的刊物印刷事宜,由徐振隆負責的燈光音響設備,由朱其華負責的舞台總佈局,由何夢白負責的網絡資訊,由陳雪莉、洪萍負責的舞蹈編排,由聞玲琳負責佳麗慈善活動,由余文焯負責的英文資訊等等,  而由劉鄧情芬、鄧賀錚、萬培傑等負責的廣告部,更是大家期望有好消息大熱部門。僑社是我們的僑社,僑聯是大家的僑聯,我們希望各行各業的有心人士,繼續支持僑聯總會,共同努力辦好今年的國慶和選美活動。



“‘Flying Wild-swans Tracking in Snow’ – History Keeping Human Traces”




NEWSLETTER from the Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix -

BY:  Homer Zhang / Zhang Xiuhong, reporting

            What is traditionally lacking when overseas Chinese communities set up events is not the

content thereof, but what remains after the event has been accomplished.  Especially in the early times

of the Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix (CUAGP), because of insufficient Chinese

language media reporting plus a lack of systemic record-keeping with [consequent] loss of data, and

after a distance of years, it is now especially difficult to recover that history. 

            Mr. John M. Yee, a deeply respected community leader, in an article for his column “Chop

Suey House” [in Arizona Chinese News] mentioned the saying about “wild-swan talons on snow.” 

This referred to the poem by Su Shi, [a famous literati and statesman of the Northern Song Dynasty,

who lived 1037-1101 C.E. and who is perhaps better known by his poetic sobriquet Su Dongpo, Su

Eastern Slope (Resident)] (in excerpt) –

            After (one’s) whole life, where have (you) arrived?

            Should this resemble flying wild-swans stepping on snow?

            Upon the snow, a sudden talon-print.

            How can (one) count the wild-swans flying (to and fro) east and west?

            One idea from this poem is that, (in life,) one cannot determine the gatherings and scatterings

(involved).  Another idea is that (nonetheless, to some extent) all things leave a trace.

            (Through the) many years ago (now), our own local Chinese community has (produced)

numerous distinguished leaders – Leung Bok Ong; Sing Yee, Sr.; Henry Ong, Sr.; D. H. Toy; Harry

Tang; Frank Wong; and Frank Yue, etc., in fact, too many to recall in detail here.  That generation of

leaders were renown, leaving behind their names and accomplishments; (however) besides their dear

friends and own families, who now will recognize them?  This is precisely like flying wild-swans

(even) leaving no talon-prints in the snow.

            This writer points out the importance of preserving historical information.  Most recently, this

(past) situation is changing – after concerned persons have been searching and collecting materials for

many years, and also with the support and assistance of local overseas Chinese broadly, the 40+ year

history of CUAGP is becoming better organized and systematized.

            From the 42-year-history of charitable work and the Program Books for the July 4th

(Celebrations), and photographs and materials from the 28 Miss Chinese Phoenix Beauty Pageants,

(selected) reprints will begin appearing for the first time in the July 4, 2010 Program Book.  The July

4th Program Book is an annual publication of CUAGP (for that occasion); from now on, it will also

document important community events and developments.  Our publication could also include

coverage of local overseas Chinese progress and history (not only) in Phoenix (but also) throughout

Arizona.  (By doing so, the Program Book) will become a richer publication.